Commitment to the Environment
6. Clean water and sanitation
- Reduction in the consumption of resources and control of impacts.
7. Affordable and non-polluting energy
- Energy rehabilitation projects.
- Modernisation of infrastructures.
- Renewable energy generation.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Inclusive industrialisation and innovation.
- Modernisation of infrastructures.
- Development of technological projects.
11. Sustainable cities and communities
- Energy rehabilitation projects.
- Modernisation of infrastructures.
- Building under international standards.
12. Responsible production and consumption
- Guarantee of origin, quality and traceability in the products.
- Reduction in the consumption of resources and control of impacts.
- Sustainable management of waste.
- Sustainable consumption and local suppliers.
13. Affordable and non-polluting energy
- Energy rehabilitation projects.
- Reduction in the consumption of resources and control of impacts.
- Sustainable management of waste.
- Renewable energy generation.
- Building under international standards.
- Sustainable consumption and local suppliers.
15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems
- Sustainable waste management.
- Sustainable consumption and local suppliers.
Creation of wealth and good governance
5. Gender equality
- Equality plan.
- Fair remuneration.
8. Decent work and economic growth
- Operations in 51 countries.
- Quality employment and responsible management of human resources.
10. Reducing inequalities
- Training and professional development.
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
- Transparency, honesty and business ethics.
- Commitment to the principles of the Global Compact.
17. Alliances to achieve objectives
- Development of technological projects.
- Transparency, honesty and business ethics.
- Collaboration with educational institutions.
- Collaboration with social associations.
- Commitment to the principles of the Global Compact.
Social Commitment
3. Health and well-being
- Comprehensive PVR Plan.
- Promotion of sport.
4. Quality education
- Creation of Aluman Alumni.
- Collaboration with educational institutions.
5. Gender equality
- Equality plan.
- Fair remuneration.
- Reconciliation of work and family life.
8. Decent work and economic growth
- Operations in 51 countries.
- Quality employment and responsible management of human resources.
- Fair remuneration.
- Reconciliation of work and family life.
- Comprehensive PVR Plan.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Inclusive industrialisation and innovation.
10. Reducing inequalities
- Training and professional development.
- Collaboration with social associations.
12. Responsible production and consumption
- Guarantee of origin, quality and traceability in the products.
17. Gender equality
- Development of technological projects.